
Sales & Marketing Planning

The sales and marketing services offered by Ireland’s Hotel Planner range from a support service for existing sales and marketing personnel to a complete sales and marketing service where one does not already exist. This flexibility allows businesses to select the level of intervention they require. It also allows smaller businesses to access sales and marketing services without the cost of hiring a team of their own. Work can be contract or project based or can be an ongoing arrangement, depending on the needs of your business.

The time to review and innovate

In this current climate, adaptability and flexibility are called for and it is the ideal time for businesses to reassess their direction and goals. Reviewing your marketing plan and innovating your sales strategy are essential to succeeding in this new business environment.

The following are some of the services provided by Ireland’s Hotel Planner:

  • Working with your existing sales and marketing plan and tweaking it to make sure it best covers all your target areas. Alternatively, creating a new plan, in consultation with you, to suit your business requirements. Always the aim is to maximise revenue for your property.

  • Sales & marketing outsourcing of projects, focusing on agreed markets as required. These could include the Over 50’s Market, Corporate, Leisure, Meetings/Conference, etc

  • Revenue management – advice and support on how to maximise revenue at your property

  • Database creation and management – an essential marketing tool and inexpensive to use

  • Digital marketing – including social media and email marketing

  • Website maintenance – updating offers and other content to keep your website relevant

  • Planning and organising of Fam Trips – Tara has long experience dealing with visiting media and hospitality leaders which she will use to ensure you get to put your best foot forward